
At Alma Petroli, safety is considered to be of primary importance and is addressed and managed in compliance with two key regulations, namely:

  • Protection of health and safety in the workplace, as defined by Italian Legislative Decree no. 81/08
  • Control of major-accident hazards involving dangerous substances, in accordance with Italian Legislative Decree no. 105/15.

Through an Integrated Management System, which also includes UNI EN ISO 45001 certification, the safety and health of all workers, both internal and external, is guaranteed, as is the high degree of reliability of the production plants.


From an operational point of view, continuous monitoring by company personnel, daily routine maintenance and scheduled maintenance, performed by specialized personnel, minimize the likelihood that a major accident could occur.


Based on the experience accrued, maintenance is scheduled at predefined intervals or carried out on the basis of specific risk assessments. And last but not least, there is an instrumental, electrical and mechanical support service.


Alma Petroli’s commitment to application of safety and fire prevention regulations took shape during 2015 when the company obtained Fire Prevention Certification from the Provincial Fire Brigade of Ravenna, a very important goal if one considers the obstacles to its attainment encountered by companies at risk of major accidents.